CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3 SP1 SE FOR 3dsMax 2011 WIN32 英文正式版(超級渲染器軟體)
check crack\install.txt
3ds Max上的超級渲染器。集成了所有先進的渲染功能,將其Lume Object(照明體)和
Bunch of Volumes(體光焦散)插件也一同打包在內,支援網路渲染,Global Illumination
(簡稱GI)全局照明是目前最快的。finalRender Stage-1使用了很多新的技術來增強
With the introduction of Release 3.0, finalRender Stage-1 for
3ds Max
3ds Max Design will be offered in 2 versions:
Firstly as a standard version (finalRender R3) targeted to the
mainstream user base, while the other version, called the Studio
Edition (finalRender R3 SE for short), is the perfect choice for
bigger production houses and advanced users seeking the
Maximum in
quality and flexibility. Both products use the same rock solid and
Hollywood production proven rendering core and rendering results.
finalToon, cebas's Non Photo Realistic (NPR) renderer for
3ds Max has
also been upgraded with features and functions, finalToon is available
as an integrated part that comes with finalRender R3, finalRender R3 SE
or as a standalone version.
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP1 FOR 3dsMax 2011 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax渲染軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP1 FOR 3dsMax 2010 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax渲染軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP3 FOR 3dsMax 2012 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax 渲染器軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP5 FOR 3dsMax 2012 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax 渲染器軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP1 FOR 3dsMax 2009 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax渲染軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP5 FOR 3dsMax 2011 WIN32 英文正式版(3dsMax 渲染器軟體)
CEBAS FINAL RENDER R3.5 SE SP5 FOR 3dsMax 2010 WIN64 英文正式版(3dsMax 渲染器軟體)